Security Protocols
Discover Bci's online security measures. ISO 27001, Active-Active model, account registration, virtual card, and EV: innovation to protect you.

The Bank's internet processes are certified under the ISO 27001 information security standard. This accreditation is obtained after a thorough review and documentation process of the processes associated with web services and all components used to deliver them. Bci is the first bank in Latin America to have an Active-Active data center backup model. This means that for services in this mode, both data centers are operational simultaneously. In the event of an incident affecting one of them, all clients will be redirected to the other to ensure uninterrupted service.
Bci was the first bank to enable the Account Enrollment feature in the online fund transfer process, significantly enhancing security in this procedure. This feature requires the recipient of a transfer to be previously enrolled and authorized to receive electronic transfers.
Bci offers the Virtual Credit Card service, significantly enhancing security in the use of credit cards on websites. It involves the temporary activation (for 24 hours) of a card number with a maximum amount, defined by the customer. This card number is provided when making an online purchase, thus avoiding the exposure of the customer's physical card number.
Bci implemented the EV (Extended Validation) model in 2012, a security system that validates the legitimacy of the bank's website. Visually, this translates to the browser bar turning green once a secure session on the site is initiated. This indicates that the bank has been validated at the time of issuing the customer's website certificate (security certificate used for data encryption), ensuring that the user is indeed within the bank's network and not elsewhere. The encryption uses 2,000 bits, the highest standard in the market for this type of service.